In this article we will discuss about Maryam (Surah 19):1 and this time the discussion is the extremely important discussion, for we will discuss one verse that can not translated by Al Qur'an till now. Due to this reason, after read this article, don't forget to share it to your Facebook friendlist and BBM contact list that many more people accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Saviour
In Maryam (Surah 19):1 it is writen one sentence that's only translated as the letters,"Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad. " and in the description of that verse, Moslem say,"God knows best what He means by these letters." So, who knows the meaning of those letters? Only Allah (according to Moslem) and the next question is why Allah put those letters in Maryam (Sura 19):1 if those letters can not be understood and can not be the sign for anyone?
Before we go further, at first we have to understand that Muhammad often copy from Torah and Gospel and write into Al Qur'an and that's why Al Qur'an have several similarity with Torah and Gospel that's owned by Christian. The next question is From whom Muhammad knows Torah and Gospel? The answer is from the people whose name is Bahira (a priest from Syria who teach Torah and Gospel at first to Muhammad) and Waraqah bin Naufal (who claim himself a priest, but has been kicked out from the church for the wrong teaching he did) and the description about Bahira and Waraqah bin Naufal will we discuss in next time
The picture below is the display of Moslem website of Saudi Arabia government and there we can see that Moslem only write the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " in Maryam (Surah 19 ):1 without translate the meaning of that verse for those letters have no meaning. For Moslem, those letters is the word of Allah and doesn't know the meaning and it's the very simple answer for them. Moslem will say that it is the miracle of Allah and there's nobody can understand it, but simply those letter has been in Arabic alphabeth
In Maryam (Surah 19):1 it is writen one sentence that's only translated as the letters,"Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad. " and in the description of that verse, Moslem say,"God knows best what He means by these letters." So, who knows the meaning of those letters? Only Allah (according to Moslem) and the next question is why Allah put those letters in Maryam (Sura 19):1 if those letters can not be understood and can not be the sign for anyone?
Before we go further, at first we have to understand that Muhammad often copy from Torah and Gospel and write into Al Qur'an and that's why Al Qur'an have several similarity with Torah and Gospel that's owned by Christian. The next question is From whom Muhammad knows Torah and Gospel? The answer is from the people whose name is Bahira (a priest from Syria who teach Torah and Gospel at first to Muhammad) and Waraqah bin Naufal (who claim himself a priest, but has been kicked out from the church for the wrong teaching he did) and the description about Bahira and Waraqah bin Naufal will we discuss in next time
The picture below is the display of Moslem website of Saudi Arabia government and there we can see that Moslem only write the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " in Maryam (Surah 19 ):1 without translate the meaning of that verse for those letters have no meaning. For Moslem, those letters is the word of Allah and doesn't know the meaning and it's the very simple answer for them. Moslem will say that it is the miracle of Allah and there's nobody can understand it, but simply those letter has been in Arabic alphabeth
Just imagine, one day we say G, M, D, O, O and another people ask for the meaning of what we have just said, then we answer,"I don't know, only Allah knows. It's the miracle!"
What will another people think of us? That's always be done by Moslem
when they answer the questions about what the meaning of "Kaf ha ya 'ain sad "
Then we will see what the meaning of "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " through the extremely important analyzing and in the picture below, we will see the number codes that equal to Arabic alphabeth. The number codes in that picture begin from number 1-10 for the first letter up to the 10th letter, then number 20-90 for the 11th till the 18th letter, then number 100-900 for the 19th till the 27th letter and be finished with number 1000 for the 28th (last) letter in Arabic alphabeth. In the ancient those number codes were used as the secret code, that we could speak the letters and there was nobody understand but the people understood those secret code and it's the inteligent method. Maybe there's some of us asks,"For what these number codes?" and the answer is for the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " are simply the secret codes that's copied by Muhammad from the Christian book but he can not break the secret of that code. Why must in the secret code? For that time the Christians were in the discrimination and would be killed
Then we will see what the meaning of "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " through the extremely important analyzing and in the picture below, we will see the number codes that equal to Arabic alphabeth. The number codes in that picture begin from number 1-10 for the first letter up to the 10th letter, then number 20-90 for the 11th till the 18th letter, then number 100-900 for the 19th till the 27th letter and be finished with number 1000 for the 28th (last) letter in Arabic alphabeth. In the ancient those number codes were used as the secret code, that we could speak the letters and there was nobody understand but the people understood those secret code and it's the inteligent method. Maybe there's some of us asks,"For what these number codes?" and the answer is for the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " are simply the secret codes that's copied by Muhammad from the Christian book but he can not break the secret of that code. Why must in the secret code? For that time the Christians were in the discrimination and would be killed
We will turn the letters 'Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " in the secret codes that has been discussed above and we will get the result of Kaf=20, Ha=5, Ya=10, Ain=70 and Sad=90, then we will add up those numbers and we will get the result of total 20+5+10+70+90=195, as it is displayed in the picture below
Then we will translate number 195 in the sentence that can be understood and break the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad ". In the picture below, we will see that with the extremely complicated method, number 195 is translated in the letters A+L+M+Shi+Ya+Ha+I+L+Ha+Ya that has total 1+30+40+60+10+8+1+30+5+1=195 (same with the total before below), as it is displayed in the picture below
Those letters make the sentence "ALMASHIA HU ILLAHI " that means "CHRIST IS MY GOD ", as it is displayed in the picture below
We have found that the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " equal with number 195 and number 195 equal to the letters A+L+M+Shi+Ya+Ha+I+L+Ha+Ya that means "CHRIST IS MY GOD" and answer the qustion of why the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " put in Maryam (Surah 19):1 and can not be translated by Al Qur'an and added with the very strong relation between Isa with Maryam who gave birth of Isa and we have known in the description before that the Christian that time were in the discrimination and would be killed and that's why they translated the sentence "ALMASHIA HU ILLAHI " in the letters that only can be understood by the people who understand the secret code that has been explained before, then Muhammad who didn't understand that secret code had copied and writen into Al Qur'an
Just remember, God doesn't leave Himself alone without the witnesses, even in Al Qur'an He delares Himself as Lord through the sentence "ALMASHIA HU ILLAHI" though it's hidden in the secret code of the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " in Maryam (Sura 19):1