Thursday, May 31, 2012

Breaking secret of Alif Lam Mim

Before we have discussed about the letters "Kaf Ha Ya 'Ain Sad " in Maryam (Sura 19):1 that is the secret code and also have broken that secret with the extremely hard method, that makes the sentence "ALMASHIAH HU ILLAHI" that means "CHRIST IS MY GOD"

Now we will discuss about another verse that also can not be translated by Al Qur'an till now and that's the reason of why after read this article, don't forget it to your Facebook friendlist and BBM contact list, that many more people accept Jesus as our Lord as personal Saviour

The another mysterious verse we will break is the sentence "Alif Lam Mim" that is writen in Al Baqarah (Surah 2):1, Ali 'Imran (Surah 3):1, Al 'Ankabuut (Surah 29):1, Ar Rum (Surah 30):1, Luqman (Surah 31):1 dan As Sajdah (Surah 32):1, as it is displayed in the picture below


The question is ialah why is the sentence "Alif Lam Mim" writen in the first verse in 6 books in Al Qur'an? That question we will answer, but before we go further, the picture below is the display of Moslem website that's owned by Saudi Arabia government and we can see that Moslem only write the sentence "Alif Lam Mim" without translate the meaning of that sentence, for it have no meaning. For Moslem that sentence is the word of Allah and they doesn't know the meaning of that sentence and it's the very simple answer for them. Moslem will speak that it's the miracle of Allah and there's nobody can understand it, but simply the sentence "Alif Lam Mim" is the secret code that is made by the Christians who were in the discrimination and would be killed


Then we will see what the sentence "Alif Lam Mim " means through the extremely important analyzing and in the picture below, we will see the methode of breaking that secret code that contains of:


1) Shorten Alif Lam Mim to ALM (A for Alif, L for Lam and M for Mim)

2) Translate the letters ALM in the number codes in Arabic alphabeth, that we get the result of A=1, L=30 dan M=40

3) Add up the number codes we have got, that we get total 1+30+40=71

4) Multiply number 71 with the total of books where the sentence "Alif Lam Mim" is writen (for 6 books), that we get total 71 X 6 = 426

5) Translate number 426 into the sentence that can be understood and break the sentence "Alif Lam Mim " and with the extremely complicated methode, number 426 is translated in the numbers 146, 149, 11, 53 dan 67 that have total 146+149+11+53+67=4265 (same with the total before above)

After do 5 steps above, at last we get the letters that make the sentence "YASHUA ALMASHIAH HU IBNULLAH" that means "JESUS CHRIST IS SON OF GOD, as it is writen in the picture below


Now we have really known the meaning of the sentence "Alif Lam Mim" and that sentence is extremely important, that the sentence is writen in the first verse in 6 books in Al Qur'an. We have known that Muhammad had copied from Torah and Gospel and writen into Al Qur'an (includes the sentence "Alif Lam Mim" that is the secret code that is made by the Christian that time and was not understood by Muhammad)

Just remember, Lord doesn't leave Himself alone without the witnesses, even in Al Qur'an He declares Himself as Lord through the sentence "YASHUA ALMASHIAH HU IBNULLAH (JESUS CHRIST IS SON OF GOD )" though it's hidden in the secret code of the sentence "Alif Lam Mim " in the first verse in 6 books in AlQur'an

"No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus." -Ahmed Deedat


  1. lame explaination.
    if Jesus is son of God, its still only God who is worthy of worship , who u should bow down to.
    But he is not, he is a Prophet a much loved prophet, if Prophet Mohammad ( who was not eductaed and couldnt read or write and can in no way produce miraculous scripture like Quran) is said to fabricate QUran and write it himself, why would he not call himself son of God and gain all the glory?
    Its silly.
    Yet he is the seal of Prophets and God had mentioned that Jesus will come down on earth as last day of judgement in Quran itself.
    Ure wondering why Quran speaks of same persons and prophets as in Gospel and Torah?
    But people have misled the meaning, altered Gods own words for their own purposes....
    Its that simple logic. Even a common man can understand it.
    Islam is not denying the existance of Gospel and Torah , because It has come from the same Source.
    If Jesus is son of God, because he had a miraculous birth..born only to a mother no father
    Then Isnt Adam a bigger son of God as he had no father or mother?
    PLEASE get your facts straight.
    The code of Alif Lam Mim, cannot be cracked by humans, its written By the Source that created everything the sun earth planets universe galaxies , the Utmost knowledgable whose wisedom cannot be matched..
    No human can decode that message unless if God wants. and tHis He has clearly stated that miraculous code of Alif Lam mim is only known to Him.

    Remember, wisedom and knowledge doesnt come from reaching a conclusion , it comes from accepting that oneself is wrong and hence arises the ever lasting thirst for knowledge.

    1. Sarosh Kamal, MashaAllah what a beautiful reply. You comment was enough to destroy this hypocrite who wrote this article with the intent to deceive people.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Go to

      Discover the unheard! Very soon I shall reveal to the world the true meaning of alif lam mim.

  3. Please break down how you came up with number 426 is translated in the numbers 146, 149, 11, 53 dan 67 that have total 146+149+11+53+67=4265

  4. "Alif Lam Mim to ALM (A for Alif, L for Lam and M for Mim)"

    Not MLA but 'Alif Lam' = (Alif = Ain = Circle = O) OLAM. The circle is in the middle: MALOLAM and that is the same as MARYAM (RY means Light) ans O (= Ain, eye means Light too).

    OLAM like in Jewish Echatology too.


    That: "ALMASHIAH HU ILLAHI" that means "CHRIST IS MY GOD" is WRONG!!!!!!!!

    It means, the the Light is in the middle as O or Ry (Ri) and in the middle is our GOD ALLAH. Allah is the Circle like the Black Stone at the Kaaba in Mekka.

    THE CIRCLE IS MY GOD an NOT Christ ist my god.

    Look here:

    Jesus is Iblis (Azazil), the bad Shaitan falling from the sky, Luzifer (Satan).

  5. OLAM (see Jewish Echatology)

    Translate the letters OALM in the number codes in Arabic alphabeth, that we get the result of O=70, L=30, A=1 dan M=40


    Take a look in the BIBLE, Psalm 141.

    Psalm 141:1 Bitte um Bewahrung vor den Bösen (Request for preservation from the evil)

    Psalm 141:10 Die Gottlosen sollen allesamt in ihre eigenen Netze fallen, während ich daran vorübergehe!

    Psalm 141:10 The wicked will all fall into their own nets , while I pass by it!

    Thomas Evangelium Logion 42 „Jesus sprach: Werdet Vorübergehende!“.

    Thomas-Gospel, Logion 42, "Jesus said : Will Temporary " !

    Why that?

    See Bible: Markus 15:29 Und die Vorübergehenden lästerten ihn, schüttelten die Köpfe und sprachen: 30Ha, der du den Tempel zerstörst und in drei Tagen aufbaust, hilf dir selbst und steige vom Kreuz herab!

    Marcus 15:29 And the passers- by reviled him, shaking their heads and saying, 30ha, of destroying the temple and rebuild it in three days, save thyself and down from the cross !

  6. The Quran Clearly refutes that Allah has a SON. Case closed.

    1. Exactly! Lol. These hypocrites try so hard to find flaws in the Quran but they will never be able to do so. You cannot find flaw in perfection. It's that simple.

  7. "Allah is reality. THERE IS NO GOD BUT 1 GOD."


    Nevertheless, he has most likely developed from a generic, namely by one syllable ellipse at the confluence of the article al- ( ال ) and 'ilāh ( إله / " God, Godness" ), means "the God".

    In German, the word is FinSTERNis. In English is the word darkness, what means, that the LIGHT and the DARKNESS ist ONE THING. So like "al" and "ilah" together are ALLAH.

    ALLAH is the phaenomenon LOVELIGHT as ONE THING, means ONE GOD. In German the word ist LiebeLicht and arab. مالو

  8. Hello again!

    LoveLight (Aziz-Light)

  9. Amen, meaning: wisdom+knowledge=understanding 1+1+1=1

  10. If Allah has a Son case close

  11. If Allah has a Son case close

  12. If you are doubting Jesus( Isa) divinity you are going to regrat it on the Day of judgement read surat al-e-imran 55,or the book of Bible Isaiah7:14,Daniel7:13-14,psalms2:10-12, proverbs30:3-4.
